
17 years ago today the love of my life was born. My happiness, my comfort, my peace, my bestfrind, my soulmate, my love. My heart beats a million times faster at the thought of you. I'm so thankful to be able to play a major role in your life to be here for your 17th birthday. I really hope you enjoy it to the fullest baby you deserve it mre than anyone. For this one day I hope you can see yourself the way I see you...perfect. You are so amazing in so many ways and the fact you don't see it is mind boggling. You are smart, creative, handsome, funny and so much more. When you have something you want to do, you put your mind to it. Your passion for coding and computer science really amazes me. The way you talk about your dreams and how much they mean to you, your stories from when you were little, even the way you rant about video games, I love it. Everything about you drives me crazy with love and admiration. Your smile, your laugh, the way your eyes light up when you talk about things you love, the little shoulder dance you do when you're happy. I wish you could see yourself for the amazing, talented human being you are.I can't wait to see wat you will accomplish for the years to come baby. You can accomplish anything you want to and I know you will. You have so much flipping potential, talent and creativity. Your passion and your drive inspires me.This world will never be ready for what you have to give. I will be by your side for every other birthday you have. Enjoy this one to the fullest :), life is too short to not be happy. You deserve every single form of happiness that comes your way and I wish you would realize it. I just want you to be happy baby, it pains me when you aren't happy. I hope you read this and take it all in because this is how I feel. 16 years you tell me how sad you were and I'm hoping that for this year and the rest to come I can help you be happy. I want to be year peace, just as you are mine. Te amo 💗. I wanted to add a few of the things that you like so if you look scroll down you'll see it. I love you and Happy Birthday!